Denim Romper

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Romper (similar) / Shoes / Sweater (old) / Bag (sold out)

Last week, my mom, my sister and I spent an afternoon paddling in Sag Harbor. We went out on the water for a couple of hours, took a swim, and then we met up with my Aunt and Grandma for lunch at The Corner Bar. With both my sister Alyssa, and my Aunt Georgeanne's birthdays last week, us girls had a lot of celebrating to do! We spent our lunch chatting, and planning upcoming celebrations for the days ahead. The two birthday girls, Alyssa and Aunt Georgeanne, as well as my Mom, take all of the photos that you see here on the blog! When I set out on my blogging endeavor, being a photographer was as new to these three lovely ladies as blogging was to me! I think that they're doing a darn good job, don't you?! Together we're having a blast getting these posts together and ready for you to read...I have absolutely loved my first month in the "blogosphere," and let's just say there is lots to look forward to, here on Paddling In Pearls, in the future! 

This denim romper, that I picked up at Loft last summer, was perfect for our day out on the town in Sag Harbor. Since we spent the first part of our day on the water, I was able to wear a swimsuit under the romper, and be ready to get wet! When it was time to head over to the restaurant, I pulled the romper back on, popped on these cute sandals, and I was good to go! A nice simple transition from the beach to lunch. I really love these sandals from Nine West. The neon orange piping is such a fun pop of color to add to an outfit made up of more neutral tones, like this one! 

Days like our afternoon in Sag Harbor are what make summer so special. I absolutely love wearing my swimsuit all day, and bouncing from the water, to lunch, a walk around town, and maybe even back in the water again! This time of year, I pretty much have a swimsuit on under my clothes all the time, always ready for an impromptu paddle or a swim! Pieces that can be slipped on over a swimsuit are essential to my summer wardrobe!


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