Oldies, but Goodies

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Shirt (old) / Sweater (old) / Shorts / Shoes

I wore this outfit last week, when my mom, Alyssa, and I, took Chandler and Sophie out to Greenport one afternoon. We had dinner at Crabby Jerrys, before taking a walk along the dock with the dogs. It was a beautiful night, and we stopped at one of our favorite spots for ice cream, The Magic Fountain, on our way home. We had such a great time, and it was just a perfect summer afternoon! Speaking of summer...Where has it gone?! I can't believe it's September already! I'm definitely not ready for the cooler days that are around the corner, just yet! 

This shirt is SO old! It's one of those that's been in my closet forever, and every now and again I'll pull it out. It's definitely not my usual style, but I had been watching Zach and Tori Roloff's wedding, on Little People Big World, and I was feeling something with a bit of a country edge! I really hardly ever wear denim shorts, I'm more of a chino girl, and this shirt is so random. Usually when I break out of my comfort zone like that I end up feeling uncomfortable, or disappointed, but I actually really liked this look! It's that time of year where summer nights start to cool down, so this sweater (also an oldie but a goodie) was perfect to toss on as an extra light layer.

I hope everyone is enjoying these last weeks of summer! Here on Long Island, we're having a nice heat wave, so I'm soaking up as much sun as I can before it's time for pumpkin everything! Fall is beautiful, and I'll even admit, I'm starting to think about some layered fall looks. But for now, I'm going to eat up all this heat, and get in some good paddles while I still can!


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